Your Microphone Array Retains Your Identity

本文最后更新于:2022年12月14日 晚上


Your Microphone Array Retains Your Identity: A Robust Voice Liveness Detection System for Smart Speakers


31st USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 22)


1 Introduction


  • replay attack
  • flaws in smart speaker

    • inaudible ultrasound-based attacks
    • deep learning models

研究者将这些攻击归结于真人和电子设备发出声音的区别,把这个特征称为 liveness。现有的liveness-detection 分为两种:

  • multi-factor authentication


  • passive scheme


仍面临的挑战 usability efficiency:

  • 为了获得物理量信息,用户需要佩戴传感器(加速度、电磁场)或者主动发射信号(超声波、WIFI)
  • 只利用音频的话容易受到声音传播信道变化的影响和基于频谱调制的攻击
  • 为了保证鲁棒性需要用户保持固定的姿势

所以,一个好的liveness detection应该具备以下条件:

  • Device-free
  • Resilient to environment change
  • High accuracy

Motivation: 主流智能音箱的麦克风阵列,由于麦克风的位置和相互距离不同,将显著增强收集音频的多样性,进而实现 device-free, robustness, accuracy

Key challenges:

  • 1: What is the advantage of adopting a microphone array compared with a single microphone?
  • 2: How can we eliminate the distortions caused by environment factors by leveraging the microphone array?
  • 3: How can we demonstrate the effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed scheme?

2 Preliminaries

2.1 Threat Model

voice spoofing attack 语音欺骗攻击可分为两类:

  • Classical replay attacks


  • Advanced adversarial attacks

    voice synthesized technique

    modify the spectrum of audio

2.2 Sound Generation and Propagation


Sound Generation and Propagation

signal: $x(f,t)$

sound wave: $s(f,t)=h_{dev}(f,t)\cdot x(f,t)$

air pressure: $y(f,t)=h_{air}(d,f,t)\cdot s(f,t)$

$f$ —— 频率

$t$ —— 时间

$h_{dev}()$ —— 调制声音信号中的信道增益

$d$ —— 麦克风和声源的距离

$h_{air}()$ —— 声音信号在空气传播中的信道增益

2.3 Passive Liveness Detection

2.3.1 Mono Channel-based Detection

忽略声音传播过程中的失真,$h_{air}(d,f,t)$ 可以被看作一个常量$A$




2.3.2 Fieldprint-based Detection



3 Array Fingerprint

RQ1: How can we model the sound propagation in smart speaker scenarios and answer why existing features (e.g., fieldprint) cannot be effective in such scenarios?

RQ2: How can we extract a useful feature from multichannel voice samples that is robust regarding a user’s location and microphone array’s layout?

RQ3: What are the benefits of the array fingerprint? Is it effective and robust to the distortions caused by environmental factors?

3.1 Theoretical Analysis on Sound Propagation for Smart Speakers





mono channel-based detection的缺陷


figerprint-based detection的缺陷


当麦克风的相对位置固定时,$d_i-d_j$ 可以看作是常量;当不固定时,使用这种方案变得不可行

3.2 Advantage of Array Fingerprint: Definition and Simulation-based Demonstration

array fingerprint的定义如下:

最终array fingerprint只与声源音频和传播距离的标准差相关

为了从$s(f,t)$ 获得声源的身份信息,$\sigma_d$ 必须是常量,下面证明它

然后使用 $r=5cm$ 的Amazon Echo 3rd Gen音箱进行模拟

$L\in[1m,3m], \theta\in[0,90], N\in\{2,4,6,8\}$ 时的$\sigma_d$

观察上图,当N超过4个之后,$\sigma_d$ 会趋向一个常量

而实际中智能音箱的麦克风通常多于4个,所以$\sigma_d$ 是几乎不变的,可以将它视作一个常量,几乎不影响array fingerprint

综上,array fingerprint只与声源音频$s(f,t)$ 有关,而且对环境因素的变化适应性强

3.3 Validation of Array Fingerprint

通过一系列的真实案例研究证明array fingerprint的有效性

show the distinctiveness

4 The Design of ARRAYID

4.1 Multi-channel Data Collection


send $V$ to the next module

4.2 Data Pre-processing


STFT 短时傅里叶变换+FFT快速傅里叶变换






  1. 100Hz的高通滤波器

  2. 找alignment error最小的


4.3 Feature Extraction

4.3.1 Spectrogram Array Feature

只保留低于$f_{sap}=5kHz$ 的频率分量


FFT点 $N_{fft}=4096$


$M_{spec}=[\frac{f_{sap}\times N_{fft}}{F_s}]=426$

然后将$Spec_k$ 转为网格矩阵$G_k$



然后计算array fingerprint

但是观察到$F_G(:,i)$ 不同,是因为人本身讲不同音节时的发声部位不同

为了获得持续时间中某人声的通性,在时间域上取均值$\overline{F_G}$,5-point moving average and normalization 得到 array fingerprint $F_{SAP}$

一个有效性测试。因为需要快速实时响应,所以array fingerprint必须轻量化,所以将 $F_{SAP}$ 重采样为$N_{SAP}$ points

4.3.2 Spectrogram Distribution Feature

频谱图的分布特征 $F_{SDP}$


然后获得$CH_k$ 的分布,计算累积分布函数$Cum_k$

可以获得k组$N\times 5$指数$\mu$ ,再算均值和标准差


4.3.3 Channel LPCC Features

Linear Prediction Cepstrum Coefficients 线性预测编码倒谱系数


$F_{LPC}$ 只保留最近的麦克风和它反面的麦克风的

4.4 Classification Model


lightweight feed-forward back-propagation neural network

3 hidden layers (64, 32, 16) with relu activation5

5 Evaluations

5.1 Experiment Setup

Hardware setup

2 open modular development boards to collect multi-channel audios

  • Matrix Creator: 8 microphones, r=5.4cm
  • Seeed ReSpeaker Core v2: 6 microphones, r=4.7cm

14 different electrical devices as spoofing devices

Data collection procedure

20 participants

20 different voice commands, 4 distances

  • Authentic audio collection
  • Spoofing audio collection

Dataset description

MALD dataset: 32780 audio samples

Training procedure

train ARRAYID: two-fold cross-validation (the training and testing datasets are divided equally)

50% for generating a classifier

30% for validation

Evaluation metrics

  • accuracy

    the percentage of the correctly recognized samples among all samples

  • false acceptance rate (FAR)

    the rate at which a spoofing sample is wrongly accepted by ARRAYID

  • false rejection rate (FRR)

    the rate at which an authentic sample is falsely rejected

  • true rejection rate (TRR)

  • equal error rate (EER)

    the rate at which FAR = FRR

5.2 Perfomance of ARRAYID

Overall accuracy

accuracy = 99.84%

FAR = 13/22539 = 0.05%

FRR = 40/10241 = 0.39%

ERR = 0.17%

Per-user breakdown analysis

False Acceptance cases only exist in 6 users

False Rejection cases are distributed among 14 users

But even for the worst-case, the detection accuracy is still at 99.0%

Time overhead

Intel i7-7700T CPU, 16 GB RAM

6-channel audios: 0.12s

8-channel audios: 0.38s

Comparison with previous works

To eliminate the potential bias in MALD dataset

ReMasc Core dataset: 12023 voice samples, 40 users, indoor/outdoor/vehicle environments

5.3 Impact of Various Factors on ARRAYID

Impact of changing distance

3 participants, 3 locations (1.2m, 1.8m, 2.4m)

train test 使用 different distances

Impact of changing direction

10 participants, 4 directions (front, left, right, back)

Impact of user movement

speak/hold a spoofing device while walking

detection accuracy = 98.2%

Impact of changing environment

launch voice spoofing at a different room

detection accuracy = 99.30%

Impact of microphone numbers in the smart speaker

从Matrix的8-channel数据抽出$(M_1,M_3,M_5,M_7)$ 新生成4-channel audio data

after conducting two-fold cross-validation on each group, the detection accuracies are:

4-channel = 99.78%

6-channel = 99.82%

8-channel = 99.90%


只要麦克风阵列呈圆形分布,ARRAYID就可以提供robust protection on thwarting voice spoofing

Impact of Spoofing Devices

(👆 to reduce the user’s enrollment burden, set the training proportion as 10%)

100% detection accuracy on 5 devices

even in the worst case, the true rejection rate is still at 95.86%

5.4 Robustness of ARRAYID

5.4.1 Handling the Incomplete Enrollment Procedure

参与者需要参与authentic and spoofing 两个音频样本的收集。考虑到参与者没有完整参与的情况:

Case 1: handling users who did not participate in any enrollment procedure


overall accuracy: 99.84% to 92.97%

the worst case: 99.87% to 74.53%

for 11 users: still higher than 95%


To be improved!

Case 2: handling a user with only authentic samples


overall accuracy: 99.96% to 99.68%

for 11 users: remains 100%

for 7 users: above 96%


5.4.2 Liveness Detection on Noisy Environments

the classifier where the noise level is 30 dB

noise level from 45 dB to 65 dB: accuracy from 98.8% to 86.3%

work well when background noise < 50 dB

To be improved!

5.4.3 Defending against Advanced Spoofing Attacks

Thwarting modulated attacks

调制replayed audio的频谱:首先要获得目标用户的authentic voice samples;然后测量spoofing device的frequency amplitude curve和相关inverse filter;最后对authentic audio应用inverse filter并且通过spoofing device重放,收集到的频谱就会和authentic audio频谱相近。

这种方法可以绕过许多现有的liveness detection,但是array fingerprints仍能显示authentic与modulated的不同。因为人和设备不能被视作点声源,我们的方案使用了多个麦克风收集音频

并且通过实验,生成了三个设备的modulated attack samples并应用分类器,准确率为100%, 92.74%, 97.29%


To be improved! - combine ARRAYID with the dual-domain detection

Other adversarial example attacks

hidden voice attack / VMask

detects 100%

reason: these attacks only aim to add subtle noises into source audio

6 Discussions

6.1 User Enrollment Time in Training

Impact of training dataset size

To reduce the user’s registration burden

Time overhead of user’s enrollment

10% training proportion

each user provides 51 authentic samples

average time length of voice command < 3s

the enrollment can be done < 3m

is ACCEPTABLE in real-world scenarios

6.2 Distinguish between Different Users

select 250 authentic samples from 5 users

utilize t-SNE to reduce the dimension, the feature vectors from different users are visually clustered

经实验,speaker recognition accuracy = 99.88%

6.3 Limitations and Countermeasures

The user’s burden on the enrollment

incorporate the enrollment into daily use

divide ARRAYID into:

  • working phase

    collect the audio and save the extracted features

  • idle phase

    automatically update the classifier


Impact of noise and other speakers

the strong noise or other speaker’s voice existing in the collected audios will inevitably degrade its performance.

Temporal stability of array fingerprint

the generated feature may be variant when the participant changes her/his speaking manner or suffers from mood swings

a feasible solution: daily use